Breakdown of Final Thoughts on Tech in the Classroom

 Technology : 

During the duration of my experience in Ed Tech, I was able to acquire many useful skills that will add to my teaching philosophy. I used a vast variety of Google tools, curriculum-related apps, video tools, and types of coding games. My experience using the tools was well, most were accessible to the public and allowed for multiple points of teaching. I enjoyed all the tools and apps I found free, it is always a pain when you have to pay to learn. From January to April, I was able to learn how to create active and engaging slide shows, which was my favourite topic I learned. Doing my digital lesson plan, I had to have multiple points of engagement, online assessment techniques and focus on higher-order Bloom's level learning. After completing the digital lesson plan, I hold myself to a high level of confidence and preparedness in teaching using various forms of technology tools and techniques. The assignment, though time-consuming, helped me to further develop one of my teaching philosophies of tech in the classroom. 

Teaching Tech in the Classroom:

    I had the opportunity to learn and focus on the SAMR model for integrating technology into the classroom. The SAMR model is a four-level taxonomy that describes how technology impacts teaching and learning. The four levels are substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition.     

love to learn pencil signage on wall near walking man

Initially, when teachers first started to learn about technology use in the classroom, the first two levels were heavily focused on. After learning about tech in the classroom, focusing on the first two levels is harmful, whereas the last two levels are what teachers should directly focus on. Instead of replacing everything with technology, teachers must learn how to incorporate it into the classroom and integrate tech like any other material. While yes, it is important to convert some paper worksheets into PDFs and allow students to be familiar with virtual material, it is important that students and teachers can see the value in technology in certain aspects. Modification and redefinition were the two levels I focused on during my education class. I learned the importance of including virtual meetings with students, submitting documents and assignments online, as well as how different video in the classroom allows for new learning opportunities. Rather than completely turning learning online, teachers must look at ways they incorporate tech daily, while still using traditional teaching techniques that work. 

Pros and Cons to Technology in the Classroom: 

person in red shirt wearing black and gray headphones

One of the most significant advantages of using technology in the classroom is the ability to cater to students and teachers diverse learning preferences. By using technology in the classroom, teachers can present instruction in various formats, such as videos, audio recordings, text-based materials, and interactive activities. This approach ensures that the material is delivered in a way that appeals to different types of learners, including visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. Incorporating technology in the classroom helps to scaffold and support students' different learning styles, offering wide ranges of differentiation. 

    As technology in the classroom continues to rise in education, it has become clear that not every student has access to the necessary tools at home. This creates a significant challenge for both students and educators, as those who are unable to connect to the internet or use a device can feel singled out and left behind. This sense of exclusion can lead to anxiety and other emotional challenges, which can ultimately impact a student's ability to learn from home. Educators need to be aware of these challenges and work to ensure that every student is provided with the necessary resources to succeed, both in and outside of the classroom.

Image Credit: Timmossholder

Image Credit: Comparefibre


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