Why Blogging is Essential to Educators


When I think about teachers blogging, I immediately recognize the impact it makes for a new resource to educators. Teachers across the globe can access a blog post and use new material and resources that will enhance their practice. Not only do blogs allow access to new resources and new ways of teaching, they also create a sense of community. Teachers from all over the world can connect and collaborate with each other to ensure their students receive the best education possible. Blogging allows for connections, collaborations, and a deeper understanding of teaching and learning. 

In George Couros's blog, “4 reasons people don't blog and ideas to help change their minds,” he mentions how educators feel they do not have anything important enough to share. This idea that Couros mentions is essential, as anything being shared about teaching is important. Educators are looking at new ways to enhance their performance every day and give students the best education possible. Sharing even the slightest tips on teaching can have a major, lasting impact. Not only do other educators read teachers' blogs, but parents, students, and guardians can also connect to education. Paul Ellsworth says in “Why Every Teacher Needs a Blog” that sharing your teachings can help connect parents to their children's education, making them feel less disconnected. Blogs are a key resource for parents of students; they allow parents to understand and learn about their children more deeply; they can see a different perspective on their children's education. Not only do blogs benefit other educators, parents, or students, but they also are beneficial to the blogger. Bethany Petty explains in “ 3 Reasons to Start a Teacher Blog Today” that when you begin to publicly share what you do in your classroom, you start holding yourself and your teaching to a different standard. You, as an educator, develop a growth lens and can strive for the best practice you can give to your students. You hold yourself to a different accountability level and are conscious of what you post. Practice what you preach! Blogging as a teacher creates a community, makes connections, and shows a different side to teaching. All around, blogging is an excellent tool for many people, including educators, parents, guardians, students, and yourself as the blogger!


  1. Wow, I can tell you are already such a great teacher. Just reading your first blog post shows that you genuinely care about the education you are providing for your students.


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