
Showing posts from April, 2024

Breakdown of Final Thoughts on Tech in the Classroom

  Technology :   During the duration of my experience in Ed Tech, I was able to acquire many useful skills that will add to my teaching philosophy. I used a vast variety of Google tools, curriculum-related apps, video tools, and types of coding games. My experience using the tools was well, most were accessible to the public and allowed for multiple points of teaching. I enjoyed all the tools and apps I found free, it is always a pain when you have to pay to learn. From January to April, I was able to learn how to create active and engaging slide shows, which was my favourite topic I learned. Doing my digital lesson plan, I had to have multiple points of engagement, online assessment techniques and focus on higher-order Bloom's level learning. After completing the digital lesson plan, I hold myself to a high level of confidence and preparedness in teaching using various forms of technology tools and techniques. The assignment, though time-consuming, helped me to further develop one