
Showing posts from January, 2024

Social Media Presence in Teaching

I had the pleasure of doing a meeting with a social media presence in teaching, Laurie MacIntosh.    The biggest takeaway from the meeting with MacIntosh is how to properly use your social media. It is crucial and fundamental that you follow educators who not only align with your philosophies but also challenge those beliefs. You want to follow individuals who will make you see all sides to education, not just what you believe is the correct way to teach. Having all these connections is important to expand your mind and be exposed to all new material. Overall, it is clear how much a social media page can impact you. Getting your name out in the education world would hugely expand your connections! Laurie was a pleasure to learn from.  After meeting with Laurie MacIntosh, it is clear how powerful having a social media presence is. Educators, parents, students, and peers, can collaborate and fully dive into what is happening in a classroom. Professional learning networks are a tool that

Value in Teacher Bloggers

Reading many blogs, Nat Banting is a math teacher in Saskatoon who has an exceptional blog.  His blog is worth reading for not only math teachers but everyone involved in education in Canada. He is highly educated and is heavily credited for his work in STEM. Recently Nat received the Certificate of Excellence from the Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence in STEM. This award was won for his contributions to Canadian  STEM education. This award is one of the highest honours for teachers and early childhood educators in Canada! With Nat Banting making a considerable impact on  education, he has vast amounts of resources on his blog to use. Following his blog, many worksheets are free to use, additional resources to help guide students who are having difficulty, and he also includes helpful tips for teaching specific mathematics. Nat's blog does a tremendous job of having useful resources and tips for not only teaching math but teaching in general. He is highly credite

Why Blogging is Essential to Educators

  When I think about teachers blogging, I immediately recognize the impact it makes for a new resource to educators. Teachers across the globe can access a blog post and use new material and resources that will enhance their practice. Not only do blogs allow access to new resources and new ways of teaching, they also create a sense of community. Teachers from all over the world can connect and collaborate with each other to ensure their students receive the best education possible. Blogging allows for connections, collaborations, and a deeper understanding of teaching and learning.  In George Couros's blog, “ 4 reasons people don't blog and ideas to help change their minds ,” he mentions how educators feel they do not have anything important enough to share. This idea that Couros mentions is essential, as anything being shared about teaching is important. Educators are looking at new ways to enhance their performance every day and give students the best education possible. Shar